Monday, June 8, 2015

Does the mall open at 10am/11am?

So we all took the bus that was provided by the school bus company to the mall.
Stef was wondering if the mall opens at 10 or 11.
Most stores open at 11am. But starbucks and mcdonald, opens early.

Stefanie: 91 stars!!! I got Mango passion fruit blended juice,shepherd's pie and gum.
               Oop, I forgot to bring my camera so no photos available.
Natalie: I've reach gold level!!!
              Now I'm starting to earn 100 from scratch for my own account.
              I got Vanilla Cream Frappuccino( grande)
              Since I got a new account I have a new reward.( Buy 1 get 1 free)
              Shared it with my BFF Euphemia.
Karina:I got a tall Vanilla Cream Frappuccino.
            I'm seriously mad at Stef and Ellen. Dude, I'm allergic to mango
Ellen: I ordered the Mango passion fruit blended juice like Stef.
           I also got my own starbucks card. ( Stef so wants one )
Euphemia: I 'm so happy I got a free drink from my BFF!!!
Euphemia and Natalie started harmonizing Stef's name.
Stef thought the man infront of the clothing store is a mannequin.( Hey, he was posing )
Meet Nathan and Gabriel drink venti lattes.
After Euphemia,Kari and Ellen left, Nat and Stef went to H&M.
Looking for twining clothing.

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